Signed Copies of The Song of Achilles

November 29th, 2012
Holiday season is here, and a number of lovely readers have gotten in touch with me about getting signed, personalized copies of The Song of Achilles for gift-giving. After a bit of thought, I cooked up a plan with the terrific Porter Square Books, my local indie bookstore which I can never rave about enough. Porter Square Books has arranged that if you order a copy of The Song of Achilles by December 3rd, then they will have time to get it back to you, signed by me, for December 25th. All you have to is: 1) follow this link*, and place your order. 2) Be sure to write in the “order comments” box at the bottom that you’d like it signed by me, and please include the name of the recipient, and any personal message that you’d like me to add. And that’s it!
I am wishing everyone a very very happy almost-December!
*UPDATE, August 2016: I’ve left Cambridge, so I’ve updated the link above to lead to Main Point Books, the current lovely indie that’s co-ordinating this!